Anvil Legal


My name is Brett Owen & I am the founder and Principal Lawyer here at Anvil Legal.

To give you an idea of why we focus on workers’ compensation claims here at Anvil Legal it’s probably best to give you a bit of an idea as to my background.

I left school at 15 and spent a couple of years cleaning toilets, washing dishes, and shovelling dirt, by the time I turned 18 I knew that I didn’t really want to do that for my whole life so I went and got a B class license and managed to get a job in a small mine in the Midwest.

I had to start at the bottom and was on a jackhammer busting rocks for a year or so before I got some training on earth-moving machinery and then I got my Shot firer’s Ticket and moved into drill and blast.

I spent nearly 20 years doing that type of work to pay the bills before a cement mixer landed on me while I was on the job injuring my back, as a lot of my current clients do I pushed on through the pain for a month or so but one morning I just couldn’t stand up as I was in agony and after I saw my GP it was clear I had to make a workers comp claim. I spent about three years dealing with not being able to work, insurers, rehabilitation providers, and lawyers until my claim was eventually closed, but I still have that injury.

I didn’t have any higher education or other skills I could fall back on and was in a pretty bad place for a time, but thanks to my family, friends, and my GP I got through it. I managed to do a bit of study, was accepted into University, where I spent 4 years dragging my case on wheels up and down the ramps between classes because stairs were still a hassle.

I obtained a Law Degree and was lucky to get a job with the LHMU, one of the biggest unions in the state, where I did my Articles of Clerkship and then I was admitted to practice as a lawyer at 42 years of age. After working for a couple of firms and a few years later on down the road Anvil Legal was opened in June 2012.

We have helped many injured workers in the time we have been open, our clients like that we don’t speak legalese, they like that we don’t push them to settle their claim, that we are willing to fight for their rights and they absolutely love that we do not charge them a percentage of their settlement monies when they decide to settle their claim.

What does Anvil mean?

For those of you who don’t know what an anvil is, it’s something you put stuff on when you want to hit it! Wile E Coyote used them to try and catch road runners, with little effect, but people have been using them through all of history, from plain rocks to the metal anvils of blacksmiths, with great effect.

We like to think of our practice as an Anvil for the injured worker. Something solid and reliable, durable and capable of withstanding heavy hits without faltering, something that remains stable and true job after job.

Our Policy

Our Goal at Anvil Legal is to make your worker’s compensation claim go as smoothly as possible. We believe a committed relationship with a legal firm that understands your individual circumstances, and that you believe has your best interest at heart, will ease any stress caused by having to deal with some employers and workers compensation insurers.

We strive to build a relationship with clients knowing they will be given straightforward, sometimes hard to hear, legal advice because they know it is intended to protect their best interests.

The Costs of legal action can put off most people especially when your wages have been reduced because of an injury. At Anvil Legal we try to keep any cost to you to a minimum which is why we offer our No Win No Fee Solution* to most clients with a workers compensation or common law claim.

Our Commitment is to provide solid, dependable, and cost-effective legal services in a straightforward and no-nonsense manner and we will do it using plain English instead of the legalese you may have been exposed to in the past.

Our Availability is generally during business hours, however, as you can see from our site we offer many different ways to contact us so that you can talk to a lawyer free of charge to discuss your work injury. You can arrange an appointment, request a callback, email us online and our phone number is always easily at hand.

We try to keep up with technology so our website is optimised for all types of devices giving you the ability to contact us at any time if you have any questions or want to discuss your matter.

Give It A Gowhether you are on a PC, tablet, or mobile phone you can request a FREE Appointment Here Now or call us on (08) 6143 5200.

No Obligation Enquiry