How Long After An Injury Can You Claim Workers Compensation?
In Western Australia, the Act states you have 12 months from the date of your work injury to claim workers compensation. However, this is not a strict deadline, and claims
In WA, the right to make a claim for workers’ compensation is available to anyone who has been injured or become ill at work due to their work duties, regardless of who is at fault.
In WA, the right to make a claim for workers’ compensation is available to anyone who has been injured or become ill at work due to their work duties, regardless of who is at fault.
In Western Australia, the Act states you have 12 months from the date of your work injury to claim workers compensation. However, this is not a strict deadline, and claims
You can continue receiving workers compensation income payments in Western Australia as long as you remain unable to work due to your injury. These payments will stop once you recover
Workers Compensation is a type of insurance in Western Australia that provides coverage for workers who sustain work-related injuries or illnesses. It’s governed by the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management
Not all contractors are covered by workers compensation in Western Australia. However, there are specific circumstances where they may be. Contractors can only claim workers compensation if they sustain a
The Legislative Council passed a bill to modernise workers’ compensation laws in Western Australia. The new bill was to rewrite the existing Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (now
Employees have a right to a safe working environment. No matter what industry you work in, there’s always the possibility of being injured. Workers need to know the most common
If you have made a workers’ compensation claim after being injured at work, you will most likely go through a settlement process at some stage. Injured workers must understand their
Workplace injuries can be life-changing events. They often put workers through physical and emotional stress. However, returning to work after a work injury can play a crucial role in the
As the digital age continues to reshape the landscape of work, more and more workers in Perth are finding themselves trading the daily commute for the comfort of their home
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102 Beaufort Street, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 6143 5200