Safe Work Australia Reports on the Rise of Workplace Violence

Safe Work Australia has published a new report highlighting a concerning upward trend of workplace violence and aggression in Australia. The survey data was based on Safe Work Australia’s workers’ compensation claims data, as well as data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the People at Work Survey.

Key findings from the report include:

  • There has been a 56% increase in the number of serious workers’ compensation claims for assault and exposure to workplace violence. This rate of increase is more than triple the overall growth rate in serious workers’ compensation claims (18%).
  • Over the last 10 years, there has been a 73% increase in claims made by women compared to a 33% increase in claims made by men.
  • Clients and customers were the most common source of work-related violence.
  • Angry or hostile behaviour, shouting, swearing, intimidation & insults had the highest number of reports

You can access the full report on the Safe Work Australia Data Website.

What is Workplace Violence and Aggression?

Workplace violence and aggression is any situation where an individual experiences abuse, threats, or assault within their workplace or during work-related activities. These incidents are both psychological and physical hazards and pose significant risks to workers and others. The impact extends beyond the direct target, affecting anyone who witnesses these harmful behaviours.

What Does This Report Mean for Workers?

These insights can help workers and employers better understand and address the risks of violence and aggression in the workplace. Employers should discuss these potential hazards with their employees and implement safety measures to prevent and respond to acts of violence or aggression in the workplace.

Workers Compensation for Workplace Violence

If you’ve suffered injuries or illness as a result of workplace violence, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation. The idea of making a compensation claim can be very overwhelming for some people. Here at Anvil Legal, we aim to make this process easier. Our experienced lawyers specialise in workers’ compensation claims and can help you navigate the claims process. Contact us today to arrange a free consultation.