Psychological Injury
Workers Compensation
Psychological injury claims can be especially challenging for workers in Perth as they tend to involve more time off work than physical injury claims. Workers who experience psychological injury due to performing their job duties may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits if a claim is accepted. You may also be eligible to claim for a pre-existing condition that has gotten worse because of work duties (extensive defences to claims of this nature).
Anvil Legal’s psychological injury lawyers can help guide you through your workcover stress claims and other mental health claims. We will offer our expert knowledge, advice and support throughout the claim process.
Psychological Injury in the Workplace
Psychological injury refers to the harm caused to an individual’s mental health as a result of work-related factors. It can manifest in various ways, such as work-related stress, anxiety, depression, or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Workers in Perth who have suffered a psychological injury should be aware that they have rights and avenues to pursue compensation. To claim workers’ compensation for a psychological injury, if you make a claim and it is disputed then you must prove that your work caused your injury or that it contributed to a significant degree.
WorkCover Stress Claims
Stress claims are particularly common for social workers, office workers and teachers. Workers’ Compensation Stress Claims have been on the rise over the past two decades. Compensation claims for mental stress have increased by 68% between 2000-01 and 2019-20. This is in part because of the increase in mental health awareness. Despite this, many stress claims are disputed because of a lack of evidence that the stress was work-related. This is why it is important to know whether you are eligible to make a WorkCover Stress Claim.
Psychological Injury Claims - How We Can Help
If your job has caused you psychological injury, contact Anvil Legal workers’ compensation lawyers. We may be able to review your case to see if you are entitled to compensation and help you decide whether to make a Workers Compensation claim for psychological injury. Psychological injury claims are often denied or disputed by insurers for lack of evidence.
Anvil Legal could help you build your case if your claim is disputed and an application has to be made to WorkCover. Having the correct medical evidence can significantly increase your chances of having a successful claim. Contact Anvil Legal for a no-obligation discussion about your matter.

Frequently Asked Questions
A psychological injury refers to a range of cognitive and behavioural symptoms that interfere with a worker’s life. Common examples include anxiety, depression, and PTSD. These mental injuries can affect how workers feel, behave and interact with others.
It’s important to note that for a psychological injury to be considered work-related, work must be a significant factor in causing it. Determining this can be complex because many people experience stress both at work and in their personal lives.
The Workers Compensation Act 2023 outlines the legal definition of a psychological injury. Only a qualified medical professional can diagnose this type of injury.
Yes, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation for PTSD if you and your doctors believe work has caused it. Injured workers should gather evidence such as details of the work event and a doctor’s diagnosis to help with the claim process.